Five Element style acupuncture is based on the laws of nature. Diagnosis and treatments are derived from the movement in nature’s cycles and seasons, which correlate with the flow of meridians and points in the body.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Health Benefits of Herbs
One of the best things about summer is enjoying fresh fruits and vegetables from local markets or even our own backyards. The flavor from the fresh produce is spectacular! But fresh flavor is not limited to fruits and vegetables. Growing your own herb garden can help you add that extra spark of flavor and health benefits to many dishes. Here is a list of herbs and the health benefits they offer.
- Karen Giles Acupuncture
- Garlic supports cardiovascular health and is used to treat respiratory infections.
- Peppermint supports the digestive, respiratory, and nervous system.
- Rosemary supports cognitive health, stimulates the nervous system, and aids in recovery from colds and circulation.
- Thyme supports the respiratory system and works as a digestive aid.
- Sweet Basil supports digestion and nervous system
- Lemon Balm supports the nervous system and the digestive system.
- Oregano supports the digestive and respiratory systems
- Lavendar has a calming effect and supports the nervous system and acts as a sleep aid. Can also be used for skin wounds, bites, and burns.
- Cilantro works as a digestive aid.
- Karen Giles Acupuncture
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