As an acupuncturist, I rely on the seasons and their “elements” in my work. In the Five Element style of acupuncture, which I practice at Karen Giles Acupuncture, Spring is the season of the Wood element. What does this mean to you? The Wood element corresponds to muscles and tendons of the body. It allows for physical movement, energy pushing up and out in the body like the plants and flowers push out and up from the ground. And it needs flexibility so the “push” is smooth and efficient.
Maybe this Spring has been challenging for you? All the rising energy in nature and your body over the last month or two needs to be used. Some things you can do to help support this energy in your body is to stretch and keep flexible. Take time to open up at the hip and shoulder joints, where the flow of energy can get stuck or blocked.
Be open (and flexible!) to practices like yoga or qi gong that support the transition in your body as you become more active outdoors with gardening and other physical activities. The temptation may be to go with gusto as warm days arrive, but Wood must be easy and flexible to maintain its strength. Pace yourself. And notice what your body feels like as a result and how it affects your ability to do all there is this Spring.
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