Monday, April 22, 2013

Being Flexible With Spring's Arrival

As an acupuncturist, I rely on the seasons and their “elements” in my work.  In the Five Element style of acupuncture, Spring is the season of the Wood element.  What does this mean to you?  The Wood element corresponds to muscles and tendons of the body.  It allows for physical movement, energy pushing up and out in the body like the plants and flowers push out and up from the ground. And it needs flexibility so that the “push” is smooth and efficient. 

The Wood element corresponds to muscles and tendons of the body

It has been a challenging shift from Winter to Spring this year.  The cold and wind has kept everything in wait.  After one or two warm, sunny days, back we go into grey skies, almost relentless wind and chilly temperatures.  What has the bumpy transition to Spring felt like to you?  Maybe you are frustrated because you can’t get out and going with your Spring routine. Do you struggle against the slow transition of the season? 

Regardless, nature will continue to move through its cycle.  Some ways you can support your movement through the transition is to be flexible.  As you take on springtime activities, incorporate simple stretching, yoga or qi gong in your days.  Take time to open up at the hip and shoulder joints, where the flow of energy can get stuck or blocked. Wood must be easy and flexible to maintain its strength.  And as it is in nature, it is within us.

Karen Giles
Five Element Acupuncture