Spring has officially begun! No really, it has. Don't let the snow on the ground fool you!
Mother Nature may be slow to awaken, but the warmer days are fast approaching. With warmer weather, comes the blossoming flowers, trees, and plants. For some of us, this means seasonal allergies too.
Allergies can cause varying degrees of discomfort, but there are several things you can do to keep the allergies under control. One option is nasal rinses. Using either a netti pot or another product like Neilmed Sinus Rinse after being outdoors can wash away the pollen that you have picked up. However, during the height of allergy season, using it morning and night may be more helpful.
Of course, acupuncture is yet another option to help ease the symptoms of allergies. Please call Karen Giles Acupuncture to learn more about relieving allergy symptoms with acupuncture.
Spring time can be challenging as we adjust to the changing weather. Being proactive with any allergy symptoms you may encounter can keep you outdoors as the warmer days finally arrive.