Five Element style acupuncture is based on the laws of nature. Diagnosis and treatments are derived from the movement in nature’s cycles and seasons, which correlate with the flow of meridians and points in the body.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Balance in the Chaotic Holiday Season
As we move past Thanksgiving and into the busy December holiday season, one concept keeps coming to mind: balance. No matter how you have been impacted by hurricane Sandy or the nor’easter, everyone had their sense of balance in life, work, home, etc, shaken. At different times that balance started to return as clean-ups and utility repairs progressed. But for many, balance is still a daily goal in many ways.
A complex combination of the vestibular system (within the inner ear, which is a key player in vertigo symptoms), somatosensory system (governed by the cerebellum at the base of the brain) and the visual system help work to manage the natural sway in our bodies and maintain a stable center of gravity. Even with the smallest of activity, our bodies are constantly re-balancing. Just breathing or shifting our weight without taking a step means our center of gravity must adjust.
Karen Giles
Five Element Acupuncture
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