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Chinese symbol for the metal element
Along with healthy physical processes, these systems have an emotional and spiritual aspect. The quality of Metal is for crystal clarity in life, keeping only what really serves and letting go of what doesn’t. This refers to physical items, feelings, relationships, etc.
In honor of the beginning of Autumn, I thought it would be helpful to offer some tips for removing clutter from your home. Sometimes, it is easier to rid your self of emotional and spiritual clutter after you have removed the physical clutter. Here, then, is a great place to start your "letting go"!
- Keep it short! Break your home down into manageable pieces to tackle at different times. It can be room by room, closet by closet, or drawer by drawer. Instead of pieces, perhaps you would feel more comfortable with time limits. Set a timer for 20 minutes per day and walk away when it buzzes. These tips can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed by a large job.
- Memories are in your head, not the object. Often, people have a hard time letting go of an object because it has sentimental value. Choose the most special pieces to hold on to ,such as a family heirloom, and let the rest go. It is the feeling and memories the object produces that you want to keep with you. Try writing about it in a journal or taking a picture of the item. The journal and picture can of course be scanned and sent into cyberspace thereby avoiding the clutter in your home.
- Closets! Here is a great trick I have come across! At the beginning of a season, such as NOW, turn all of the hangers in your closet so that they face right. Once you have worn an item, turn it's hanger to the left. At the end of the season, get rid of all the items that are on hangers still facing to the right!
- Still struggling? Some items are just more difficult than others to say goodbye to and you find yourself vacillating. Place these items in a bin and store it out of sight for a month or two. Any item that you did not need during this time can be thrown out.
- The wonderful world of cyberspace! Already mentioned above, is the organizers dream spot .... cyberspace! Receipts, tax returns, address books, recipes, journals, photos, and so much more can be scanned and sent into cyberspace patiently waiting for you to retrieve it. Just think of the possibilities!
As we move further into the Autumn season, we naturally begin to spend more time indoors. Having uncluttered space will help us as we work to free our minds, hearts, and spirit of clutter.
Karen Giles