Five Element style acupuncture is based on the laws of nature. Diagnosis and treatments are derived from the movement in nature’s cycles and seasons, which correlate with the flow of meridians and points in the body.
The elements are recognized as Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Each element has its strength in a season of nature and is represented in the body by specific organ systems and functions, as well as a person’s vocal sound, facial color, emotion and scent. Just as all the seasons make up the whole of nature, all the elements make up the whole individual.
Earth: Corresponding to late summer, it represents the time to reap life’s harvest. The Earth element influences one’s ability to digest, process and store that which nourishes, along with the ability to nurture and care for self and others.
Healthy Earth energy allows for good appetite and digestion, clear thinking, strong muscles and blood vessels, feeling centered. Out of balance, Earth can present as excessive worry, digestive issues, bruising easily, lethargy, insatiable appetite.
Take time to nurture yourself so that you may nurture others.